child safe
Red Rock Christian College believes all children are fearfully and wonderfully made and therefore is committed to promoting and protecting, at all times, the safety and wellbeing of children involved in its community.
Red Rock Christian College is committed to:
a learning and working environment for its students and staff that is safe, supportive, caring;
an environment free from wrongful discrimination and sexual harassment or abuse;
promoting the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, and all children from culturally diverse and or linguistically diverse backgrounds; promoting the safety of children with a disability;
having zero tolerance of child abuse.
We want our students to learn and grow in an environment in which they know people care about them and honour who they are. The school requires that staff, students and other members of the community treat each other with respect and love.
Staff are expected to display Christian love and appropriate professionaL behaviour in their dealings with each other and the students in their care.
Child protection is a shared responsibility between Red Rock Christian College, all employees, volunteers, contractors and members of the College’s community.